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Join date: May 18, 2022


standard contains the definition of the rules for the encoding of the elements in the barcode structure. Creator: Eduard Bohne


IEC 15438:2006).pdf



New Item. - IEC 15438:2006.pdf. The IEC 15438-1 is a standard for the creation, structure and presentation of [. IEC 15438-1 . The standard contains the definition of the rules for the encoding of the elements in the barcode structure. Creator: Eduard Bohne (bohne[at] Unable to bind to inherited control using MVVM pattern Hi! I am developing a WPF project, where I am using MVVM pattern. I have a public class: public abstract class TargetControlBase : DependencyObject { public static readonly DependencyProperty BaseProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Base", typeof(string), typeof(TargetControlBase), new PropertyMetadata()); public abstract string Base { get { return (string)this.GetValue(BaseProperty); } set { this.SetValue(BaseProperty, value); } } } And a control that I want to inherit from it: public class TileControl : TargetControlBase { public TileControl() { this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(TileControl); this.SetValue(TileControl.BaseProperty, "Tile"); } } Then I am using the control as follows: The problem is that the TileControl is not working as expected. And to simplify my problem, I don't want to derive my tile control from another control, so I can't use the code above. How can I solve this problem? A: I would suggest you use TemplateBinding to Bind the 'Base' property to a dependency property in your ViewModel instead. public abstract class TargetControlBase : DependencyObject


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